A Late Post... It's been a a bit

March 18, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

It's been a busy, busy couple of weeks. I'm trying my best to have a costume for C2E2. I've also had some health complications and schedules changes have been hitting me hard. That said, I am looking forward to the upcoming week. C2E2 will be amazing and (if I manage to finish this costume) it will be the first time I attend one of these things dressed up right. Yay!!!

Photowise, I'd like to take my camera and take lots of fun photos. I love seeing peoples' creativity in these events. Ya'll are killing it!

Chicago is getting bits of warm weather. There is hope that soon we can go outside in shorts and not die of hypothermia. It's been 7 months since I last felt the sun...

This means its time to pick a place to explore!!! I wonder if Illinois has hot springs. That would be so awesome...

Back to photography... I was able to develop that film. I do have to pass it through the scanner so I can post it here. Hopefully, I can do so at some time today.

Interesting happenings of the week:

1. Lost my phone's stylus pen

2. Was informed that boxing classes.    

     required exercise

3. Battled with a gate key and lost

4. Ate my weight in tacos

5. Saw Captain Marvel

6. Pretty sure Direct TV was sending 

    me a not so subtle message.   

    (which. I will ignore)

7. Found new podcasts

The End.



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