Film Strips, Influenza, Overcoming and Moving on ...

March 30, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

It's been quite a few days. Two weeks ago I was very excited about C2E2, my costume and traveling. Today, I'm still excited but plans have changed (yet again). I didn't end up going to the convention. What we initially thought was the flu, turned into the worse cold I've had in months and into SHINGLES for the boyfriend. I was upset, sad, and honestly, I felt like (once again) my plans have failed so therefore I am a big FAILURE.  Five years ago, I would have dragged that feeling for months. It would be a constant manifesting thought that would haunt my existence with each passing breath. Now, not so much. Yes, I was sad about missing the convention. And yes I was mad about being sick, but it's not the end of the world. I had A LOT of fun making the costume (I've yet to finish it but it did give me much joy and I learned that this is something I want to continue to do) and I gained so much knowledge! The more I thought about it, I realized that yes, I did want to go and that yes, It was unfortunate that I didn't have the opportunity this year but I also felt better knowing I didn't waste $40 on an entrance ticket. On top of that, I ate delicious food, spent quality time with the BF and learned that a) Taco Bell and the Puertorrican food place I love deliver to my apartment. I learned that I AM very lucky and I'm very blessed to be where I am today. Ten years ago, having a stable job, being able to create, having my own apartment and being self-sufficient were just very, very distant dreams. I am SO LUCKY!!! Thank you universe. 

Moving on, I did scan those film strips I've been promising for ages... well some of them. This scanner I bought is not the best (let's just put it that way) but for now, It does the trick. I'm itching to go shoot again but this weather is savage. Chicago weather is bordering on stupid. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE SPRING ALREADY!!! We had two days where it was nice for three hours and then cold. I'm starting to think this is our new normal and I don't like it.  Then again, if this becomes the "new" spring, I will have to deal with it. So, I've started planning what can I do inside to feel creative (and like one of the cool girls). Here's a thought, what about making those weekly challenges again? That's still cool right, right??? Well, I'm going to try to sneak a few here and there. I might not be able to do them EVERY WEEK but it's better than the alternative. So... HERES TO THAT!!!

I also decided to write more. I really like writing. So, you might see more of that here. Some personal, some stories... and yes there will still be photos...

Besides all that, this week is more of a "Let's see what stuff we didn't get to do last week and GET TO IT !!!" (isn't that EVERY WEEK tho') I have to decide if I want to change my Evetography cover for the class I'm teaching in May. I'm thinking about it, but I really love it! It also over-complicates things and hurts the brand, so I might just leave it as-is.  I also want to play around and make some more transfers. I really want to make a black and white one because It makes it look like burnt wood and it looks lovely. ANND... I want to get started on one of those weekly shoots. I really should pick something that kills two birds with one stone. I think the goal might be to set up correctly an area for products. Which helps me with business, creativity and sewing. Oooh, also sewing. I really want to make outfits I can show off here. That would be fantastic. And aside from the green dress I am making my sister, I'd ideally love to use up my scrap pile. 

So, here's the plan:

1- Take a last look at Evetography Wood Transfer Art

2- Work on setting up photo area for products

3- Find green dress fabric

4- Finish Squrril Girl costume

5- Re-start Google (started a while ago but took time off because of flu)

6- Check materials for special order (and take photos when finished)

7- Research Mom necklace project 

8- Plan for the week ahead

9- Stop being allergic to avocados (seriously, this just happened and I'm super pissed about it)

10-  EAT! I'm hungry


...and the stills. Don't think I have forgotten :)


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