I’m so glad to be writing again. Last post I was struggling with some website difficulties. It seemed my hosting site had forgotten to secure my site. So, I spent a couple of days dealing with those issues. I am grateful that all has been fixed and running well.
I’m so happy that after all that has happened in the last couple of months, I still have the strength and wanting to photograph. 2020 and 2021 have been difficult for most people. I look forward to when we all can look at this time as just a bad memory.
It’s still very cold in Chicago. January and February tend to be the coldest. I’m excited to shift out of the cold into a warmer, sunnier season as I’m craving some outside time. In the summer, I tend to take long walks and explore new neighborhoods. This summer, I’d like to bike to the Galewood area and hang for a bit there. I also want to explore River Forest and Forest Park. Lastly, in the summer I would love to join a bicycle club!
In the meantime, I edit memories, learn new skills and practice indoor photography. I’ve noticed that when It comes to this, I’m quite lost. It’s been a while since I’ve worked with indoor equipment in a serious manner. My goal last month was to get a small television that I could connect to my camera and be able to shoot some self-portraits and judge these shots more easily. I was able to purchase a TV last month, but unfortunately, it was defective and had to be returned. Since then, I haven’t been able to buy another one at the price range I’m looking for. About two weeks ago I read my monthly horoscope and it had said not to buy electronics at this time since I would have problems with them. I feel this happened sooner than what the report had said. So, for now, I’ve decided to wait it out until March. The temporary lack of extra funds has also contributed heavily to this matter.
Lastly, this “off” time has given me time to work on other projects. Currently, I’m developing an art and jewelry store as well as an eBay store for older equipment. Ideally, these projects would have taken less of my time and would be already running. However, I also want to use this season to work on my mental and spiritual health. So, if the projects mentioned take a bit more time, I’m OK with it.
With this, I leave you with Cellphone photos part … 13?
Cellphone Photos part 13!
Lil' Rain-Bow has been destroying every single stuffed toy in sight. She is adorable! I have come to really enjoy her little face and her company. That said, I still feel guilty about loving her so much. When honey passed, I was adamant I did not want another dog. But in reality, I needed one. Honey used to be my comfort blanket. When she passed, my world was shaken and a piece of me died with her. I couldn't fathom loving another being more than I loved her. I know now that it is possible to love another being again and that said love cannot be measured in the same way. Every love is different and I can love them both. Rain-Bow serves a different purpose than Honey did. Honey took care of me and I will be forever thankful to her for her dedication and love.
She gave me the strength to cake for myself and now of Rain-Bow.
December 24th was fun. I spent time at my in-laws and took some shots. I find it weird they celebrate the holidays on the 24th and not on the 25th. Many Latino families do this. Mine did not, so it always feels a bit alien to me.
I really love this shot. I especially love the way the subjects make a circle-like shape. They look so lovingly and
light. It's a beautiful piece.
I found this photo while rummaging on my phone. I have no idea how it got here as it was taken many years ago. As you can see, I was VERY skinny then. I would love to go back to this size. I have a feeling this was taken 2011-2012 ish. I did edit this shot. When I took it the light was off and just felt weird. With this edit, I wanted to give it a slight nature look inside a vacuum. I'm not sure how to explain it. But the end result looks fantastic compared to what I had before.
My new bike and trainer! I traded my blue and green bike for a more updated one. I really wanted to keep my older one. I loved it so much and it brought me many happy memories. But I just didn't have space. I took this as a sign to let it go. I believe "Lola" as I named her before donating her, will bring happiness to someone else as it did to me. Maybe, she can even change their life.
Sweet edit made of photos for my job's website.
I really enjoy these sorts of things. I wish I could do more of it on Sundays.
Slight edit of Rain-Bow's naps. I want to take more of these as well. Maybe I should get into pet photography. LOL!