Let's Self Care...

November 23, 2020  •  1 Comment

Hello all!

   How are you? I hope life is treating you well. I know that can be hard with 2020 being … well 2020, but I hope you’re hanging in there regardless. I had a couple of business ideas this last week. I’m planning on taking a hard look at them because they look most promising. If 2020 has shown me anything is that having side gigs is important. Do not carry all your eggs in one basket.

   I’m still working on that photo studio. I’ve organized my art supplies and even with that I still can’t get rid of any shelving units. So off to plan B.

   The holidays are approaching fast. This Thursday will be Thanksgiving. I have a lot to be thankful for. For example, I’m still alive and COVID-19 free. I have a place to call home and a good family. I encourage you to take some time out this week and make a list on what your blessings have been. Also, and in case you have not heard please stay home this holiday and wear a mask.

   Lastly, take this week to something for yourself. Practice some self-care. Paint, draw, practice your photography, take a class. Remember that time on you is never wasted. #selfcare


Let's Self Care! 

I love sings. I have no idea why. But I have enough signs photos to make a nice photobook. In fact, I just might do this :)


Still working on those closeup shots. 

What do you think?

This image speaks to me. When I see it, I always think of those closeup microscope shots of cells and molecules. 

I happen to think that pretty cool :P

Boyfriend being Zen


Cari luz Lopez(non-registered)
Love both of you
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