Up to No Good... I Think :)

May 04, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

   The year 2020 has been hard. It's been a while since I had so many things change. I'm no good at changes, even if I believe the contrary. It seems like my life is up in the air. then again, I doubt that I'm the only one feeling this way. If this pandemic has taught us anything is that life can change in an instant and we have to be prepared. 

   The year has brought up some good things. For the first time in a long while my body feels good. To the point that I've been my riding bike almost every day for about 6 miles. Last year just getting on a bike wasn't even a possibility. I still struggle some days and I'm not in control of my anxiety, but I believe that if I continue to follow this path I can in time pull through.

    For the rest of the year, I want to specifically focus on positive and finding ways to make my life more joyful. One activity that always brings me joy is photography. So, now that is much warmer than before and I'm less in pain, I want to focus on making this happen. Are you with me?


I tool an old photo of Honey and use the Comica App to add the effect. I also used Snapseed for light modifications. I'm thinking of blowing up this photo and set it up as a center art piece for my apartment.

One of the struggles we've had to endure lately is Hershey's health issues. She has just been diagnosed with cancer. We have decided to let nature take it's course and just make her comfortable for as long as she's got left. This was a shot to the heart for me. We lost Honey in January and soon we'll lose Hershey as well. We have been giving her lots of love. 

I wanted to make a fancy forest photo. I'm pretty sure I succeeded. 


Enjoy this selfie. You know weird it is for me to be on that side of the lens. That said, this not a bad shot. 

I pass through this community garden on my bike ride. I'ven been meaning to check it out. Hopefully I'll see people working on it on my next ride. 

Another cute picture of the little one. She is adorable.

BF getting in sync with nature.

I feel like this photo should be put on a goth magazine... thoughts?

Left: Sings from my travels

Right: Trying to get Hershey to eat. Let me tell you, It's a struggle. 

One day I hope tp move to this neighborhood. 

Every time I see this shot I think he hovering on top of that tree.



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